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Friday, March 18, 2011

SousVide Supreme Demi Water Oven

Here is a:

SousVide Supreme Demi Water Oven

 I've always been fascinated with SousVide cooking but the units are usually $500 to $1000. This unit is $299, the vacuum packager was $100 with bags.

Basically you fill the unit with water then turn it to the temperature you desire, say 135F for a steak. The steak is seasoned, vacuum packed and rested in the fridge for a few hours or over night. Once the "Water Oven" is preheated you put the packed meat in the tray pictured above. The one recipe book said 5 to 7 hrs for a steak then to sear it after its done since the whole steak is the same temperature, nice and pink all the way through.
Different recipes call for more or less time depending on the size of the meat or veggie.
One of the recipes for leg of lamb called for 48 to 72 hrs to cook which isn't that bad for something that you basically set and forget, surprised the infomerical people haven't jumped on this years ago.
Well,  more on this later. Hope to have pictures of mine in operation and finished products in the near future.
Take Care!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Roof Gardens!!!!!!!

There needs to be more roof gardens! I saw a design for putting soil and grass on your roof then you can grow Veggies and other things. You can only plant tree or bushes with short roots or a chamber that holds there roots. Soil is a good insulator too. :^) The FarmScapers(High Rise Farms) looks the awesome-st, way more effective way of farming. Especially if we put bugs in are diets since they are the biggest protein source and use the least amount of resources per pound of protein. Lets put are minds together to further our cause of doing good and furthering mankind/ourselves. I try to better myself everyday with what i do and how i do things. :^)
 Pictures and more to come on this topic!